Flight lieutenant Allan ButlerAllan Started his Cadet career at 1404 Chatham Squadron Wainscott Detached Flight, Which later became 213 (City of Rochester) Squadron. He left after a very productive and rewarding service with the Squadron to join the Army Air Corps. He now works for the Prison service where he is a physical education instructor. Allan re-joined 213 Squadron in early 2017 to become our Squadron training officer, first aid instructor and Skill at Arms instructor. After receiving his commission Allan is now filling the role of Squadron Commander.
Warrant Officer Simon MinnertheySimon started his cadet career at 1404 Chatham Squadron joining at the age of 15. Upon leaving, and after a 13 year break he re-joined the corps as a civilian instructor and has recently been promoted to Warrant Officer. He is currently the Sector and Squadron Warrant Officer, Drill instructor and Discipline SNCO, running sports nights, Field Craft Training and is the Squadron Radio Officer.
WARRANT OFFICER Matthew ReevesMatt started his cadet career joining 25 Parkwood Squadron in 2014 after a 14 year service with the RAF, he transferred to 213 (City of Rochester) Squadron and taken on the role of Squadron Training Officer. Matt specialises in the world of shooting and is a member of the Region Skill at Arms Training Team and our Squadron Shooting Officer.
Civilian Instructor George CronkGeorge joined 213 Squadron as a cadet in 2017 and rose to the rank of cadet Flight Sergeant and left after a rewarding career as a cadet. George has returned to 213 to continue his service with the RAFAC as a civilian instructor and assists with sports and recruit training.
Civilian instructor Josh PicklesJosh joined 213 in December of 2022 from 1035 Accrington Squadron where he had a very successful career as a cadet and wanted to continue his career as a civilian instructor. Josh moved to Kent where he is studying to be a paramedic at university and wanted to continue to serve the RAFAC as an instructor. He joined us at 213 as a supernumerary staff member and has taken on the role of First Aid Instructor.
civilian instructor Stephen smithStephen joined the Squadron as a cadet and went on to join the RAF. Upon leaving the RAF, he re-joined the Squadron and is currently our recruit training officer. He helps around the Squadron where he is needed.
Civilian committee chairperson romy russellRomy started her service on the Civilian Committee at 1404 Chatham Squadron where she found that she was missing out on all the fun the cadets were having so decided to become a Civilian instructor to become more involved. She was the Squadron Adjutant and Health and Safety Officer and now has taken the role of civilian committee chairperson.